ATS - Theft Identity
Identity Theft

Dear Patrons,

Financial industry is prone to several Frauds and Scams, here are some of the tips on how to protect yourself. The best way to keep yourself protected against fraud is to stay vigilant. A fraud could leave you without any funds in a matter of minutes!

Identity Theft Image

Identity Theft

Theft occurs when someone wrongfully uses your personal information to obtain services in your name. Protect yourself against ID theft

  • Destroy any piece of paper that contains your login and password

  • Never share your personal information with a stranger or any third party

  • Update your contact numbers, address or email ID with the latest ones.


Don’t fall for this phone call ruse

  • Fraudsters call you, posing as an ATS Employee.

  • Never share any personal or sensitive information over a call.

  • If in doubt, call the ATS Support immediately.


Smishing is a type of fraud that uses mobile phone text messages to lure victims into calling back on a fraudulent phone number, visiting fraudulent websites or downloading malicious content via phone or web.

How Do Fraudsters Operate?

  • Step1 : Fraudsters send SMS /Emails /Whatsapp/ Phone Call/ Social Media posts intimating customers of assured gains from stock market and request them to share their Account credentials to trade on their behalf.

  • Step2 : Unaware, the customer follows instructions and shares his Trading ID and password with fraudster.

  • Step3 : Details thus shared with the person who initiated the SMS/Whatsapp/call are then used to do unauthorized trades on customer’s account, causing them financial loss.

How To Protect Yourself From Fraud

Stay Secure

  • No sharing

    Never share your personal information or financial information via SMS, call or email.

  • Play safe

    Do not follow the instructions as mentioned in SMS sent from untrusted source, delete such SMS instantly.

  • Verify

    If you receive any urgent communication asking for personal information, call ATS Support as mentioned on our website to check if it was a legitimate communication.

  • NetSafe

    Always log out from trading terminal whenever on unsecured network & not frequently used by you.